"Changing Attitudes: Union Members Talk About AIDS," 1991 (Full Length)
This film, from the AFL-CIO Labor Films collection, features interviews with union members about the AIDS epidemic. Participating unions include: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, AFSCME, AFT, Association of Flight Attendants, IAFF, Newspaper Guild, OPEIU, SEIU, United Association of Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, and the Utility Workers Union of America. The film was produced by the George Meany Center for Labor Studies, the AFL-CIO Department of Occupational Safety and Health, and the Labor Institute of Public Affairs. It was funded by a grant from the National AIDS Information and Education Program at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to the George Meany Center for Labor Studies. In memory of Raymond Edward Moss, Jr. (1953-1990), Firefighters Local 718, Boston, MA.